FAQs and Information

All about the Aardvark

Aardvark Symphony is comprised of a small group of creative computer gurus, artists, and programmers that love to make unique and interesting websites. Catering to small businesses, internet presence startups, and individuals that want something unique and fresh rather than 'canned stock templates' for their websites. Let's face it, cookie cutters are good for cookies, but you don't want your webspace to look and feel just like everybody else's, do you?

At Aardvark Symphony we look at you, your business, your goals, and your expectations and work with you at each and every step of the way. Lots of people know that they need a 'web page' but have no idea how to use the internet as tool for creating and maintaining their businees, showcasing their art and talents, or that by utilizing the power of the internet that they can reach literally billions of people.


Not many people have bothered to ask us much, so we don't have a long list of answers here, just these:

1. How much will you charge to do my site and how much is your webspace per month?

Webspace starts at $70 per year, you can either use a pre-existing domain name, or we can help you purchase it for yourself. What we will charge you for a site will depend upon your exact needs and the complexity of your website. There is a big difference between a simple informational site, an online art gallery, and a full-blown content Management System with social networking ascpects. Contact us and we'll discuss things.

2. Will you do my site, will you fix my site, etc.

At Aardvark Symphony we will consider doing any legal web site. We will NOT however have anything to do with intolerance, hate, racism, etc. There is enough of that crap in the world already, we choose not to deal with such things. Contact us and describe what you need and would like and we'll see if we are interested in helping you develop your unique online presence.

3. What do you mean you cater to small businesses and startups?

We mean that we cater to small businesses, entrepreneurs, and indiviudals and groups wanting to realize the huge potential of the internet by creating their own unique online presence. We will help you steer through the jargon and acheive your goals with individuality and style, as well as being SEO optimized.